Intelligent Inventory Management of Apparel, Seasonal, & Short Life Cycle Products

Increff named as a Representative Vendor in the 2021 Gartner Market Guide for Retail Assortment Management Applications (RAMA): Short Life Cycle Products Covid 19 exposed inefficiencies in processes and systems, highlighting the need for preparedness and resilience through digitization. In the report, Gartner predicted that “by 2024, Tier 1 retailers in North America and Europe… Continue reading Intelligent Inventory Management of Apparel, Seasonal, & Short Life Cycle Products

The Fair, Flawed, and Fouled E-commerce Returns

Returns aren’t just lost sales, they put customer relationships and inventory investment at risk unless managed accurately. They are an important part of the inventory and should be optimized to promote healthy cash flow. Returns denote friction in the shopping experience and present an opportunity for brands to convert disappointed customers into lifetime buyers.  E-commerce… Continue reading The Fair, Flawed, and Fouled E-commerce Returns

What is Retail Inventory Management? How to Master it?

As a brand owner, do you often find the merchandise your customers are searching for is either out of stock or misplaced? Systematic inventory management ensures a smooth customer experience and a coordinated flow of stock across the supply chain to avoid errors like inaccurate order picking, delayed order fulfillment, missed shipments, etc.  COVID-19 highlighted… Continue reading What is Retail Inventory Management? How to Master it?

How Dynamic Pricing Strategy Can Help Retailers

As consumers started shopping online and omnichannel, price is playing an important role. The Internet gives consumers the ability to compare prices instantly. A slight change increase or decrease can mean a customer lost or gained. Hence, the concept of dynamic pricing, or high-low pricing is quickly gaining attention.  What is dynamic pricing?  Dynamic pricing… Continue reading How Dynamic Pricing Strategy Can Help Retailers

If you are going D2C with Shopify, Scale Faster with Increff

Retail started from local stores and expanded nationwide, cross borders, with e-commerce. E-commerce provided a uniform platform business for brands to compete on. The traditional legacy brands, having huge landmark stores and a dedicated customer base, had to wrestle with hip startups that were born in the digital era. As fast-paced technology started transforming the… Continue reading If you are going D2C with Shopify, Scale Faster with Increff

Opening our Libraries on GitHub

All of us software developers have been using open-source software for many years now. Some of the notable ones (for the Java guys) being: Over the last 4+ years, we at Increff have built a repository of libraries to ease up software development. Slowly it became a dream at Increff to contribute back to the… Continue reading Opening our Libraries on GitHub

Inter-store transfers – Reshuffle inventory for optimum sales

As an established retailer, you require a wide range of styles in multiple sizes to meet customer demand. The need for instant gratification has become a dominant force in retail, hence the primary requirement of having the right stock available in the right place at the right time.  Constraints on store space, minimum display requirements,… Continue reading Inter-store transfers – Reshuffle inventory for optimum sales

Making online shopping easy. Give more than what your customers want

The rise of the internet and tech advancements have moulded the way consumers connect with a brand. This relationship is now more value-driven and personal. While shopping has been around since history itself, the way we shop evolved dramatically with the rise of e-commerce. Digital Darwinism played a critical role in pushing companies to take… Continue reading Making online shopping easy. Give more than what your customers want

INCREFF recognized as a Notable Vendor in Gartner’s report “Asia/Pacific Context: Magic Quadrant for WMS”

Increff is recognized as a Notable Vendor in Gartner’s report “Asia/Pacific Context: Magic Quadrant for Warehouse Management Systems” published in Aug 2020. Gartner recognizes us based on our completeness of vision and ability to execute. Gartner subscribers can access the report here. As traditional manufacturers shifted to eCommerce, their warehouses that shipped bulk orders to retailers and wholesalers,… Continue reading INCREFF recognized as a Notable Vendor in Gartner’s report “Asia/Pacific Context: Magic Quadrant for WMS”

Tough Challenges need creative solutions. Merchandise planning made easy now!

Assortment or option planning is a holistic process that blends fashion with finance. It helps merchandisers and retailers create a comprehensive store package that satisfies customer demand and allows businesses to achieve financial goals. A part of assortment planning is smart decision-making in merchandise planning and buying process.  Gartner recognizes Increff as a key tech-player… Continue reading Tough Challenges need creative solutions. Merchandise planning made easy now!