5 Growing Technology Trends Reshaping the Retail Industry

Cutting-edge technology has left no sector of the economy untouched and is turning out to be one of the biggest drivers of efficiency, customer experience, and profitability. In the last few years, the retail industry has also been experiencing some transformative technological interventions that are reshaping the way business is done.  At the very heart… Continue reading 5 Growing Technology Trends Reshaping the Retail Industry

Digital Transformation in B2B Commerce

The retail business landscape is changing faster than ever. For e-commerce merchants, that change has come in the form of increased competition, changing consumer preferences, and new technologies that enable retailers to reach new customers. For business-to-business (B2B) merchants, it has come in the form of new business models, new sales channels, and new partners.… Continue reading Digital Transformation in B2B Commerce

Inter-store transfers; An inventory optimization solution

You have probably heard about the concept of inventory optimization, but do you know how to make the most of it? Inventory management is a tricky business. Too much inventory and you are tying up valuable resources that could be used elsewhere, too little inventory and you risk losing sales. What if there was a… Continue reading Inter-store transfers; An inventory optimization solution

Successful Omnichannel Strategies for E-commerce

As retailers increasingly switch to multi channel order fulfillment, they reinvent the supply chain to enhance asset monitoring, outbound & inbound storage, returns management, and distribution of goods. To survive this fast-paced retail environment, retailers need cutting-edge technologies for end-to-end visibility and inventory accuracy to enhance operational efficiency, optimize allocation, and boost turnover. Improve traceability… Continue reading Successful Omnichannel Strategies for E-commerce

Allocation and Replenishment for Omnichannel Retail

As omnichannel retail becomes a steady trend, conventional allocation and forecasting can cost millions and appear to be rather tedious. The omnichannel approach demands proactive and integrated strategizing across all points of sales, responsive allocation, and timely replenishment. The growth of omnichannel retail has therefore created new challenges for retailers, especially in allocation and replenishment.… Continue reading Allocation and Replenishment for Omnichannel Retail

7 Best Ways to Reduce Omnichannel Fulfilment Costs

The retail industry has broadly acknowledged and understood that slow and steady might no longer win the race. Operating in this digital age, being fast and accurate in order fulfilment is crucial to success. Today B2B and B2C consumers expect fulfilment beyond seamlessness of identifying and buying a product, accuracy and on-time delivery, to post-sales… Continue reading 7 Best Ways to Reduce Omnichannel Fulfilment Costs

E-commerce Return Analysis: Solution to the Trillion-Dollar Returns Problem

A free returns policy by online retailers has been pivotal in the exponential growth of online sales platforms. The easy returns option has not only lured conventional brick and mortar stores, customers to online sales channels but has also given the customer more comfort and confidence in online shopping. This has indeed led to a… Continue reading E-commerce Return Analysis: Solution to the Trillion-Dollar Returns Problem

What is a High Low Pricing Strategy in Retail? Find the ideal price for your product.

A high-low pricing strategy is one that runs a substantial gap between the regular or listed price of any product and its promoted price. The high-low method is a retail price optimization strategy adopted to give consumers the perception of a bargain without any compromise on the perceived value of the brand.  The most important… Continue reading What is a High Low Pricing Strategy in Retail? Find the ideal price for your product.

How to make Picking and Packing more Efficient for both B2B and B2C Fulfillment

According to a Statista survey, e-retail sales accounted for 18 percent of all retail sales worldwide in 2020. This figure is expected to reach 21.8 percent by 2024. As this number rises, people’s reliance on e-commerce for fulfilling their shopping needs increases as well. Retailers who are cognizant of this change are already strengthening their… Continue reading How to make Picking and Packing more Efficient for both B2B and B2C Fulfillment

If you are going D2C with Shopify, Scale Faster with Increff

Retail started from local stores and expanded nationwide, cross borders, with e-commerce. E-commerce provided a uniform platform business for brands to compete on. The traditional legacy brands, having huge landmark stores and a dedicated customer base, had to wrestle with hip startups that were born in the digital era. As fast-paced technology started transforming the… Continue reading If you are going D2C with Shopify, Scale Faster with Increff