Increff is the leader in retail technology innovation. With cutting-edge solutions for boosting both offline and online sales of fashion brands, we ensure immediate order processing, real-time inventory update across multiple channels, and efficient order fulfillment.
Steve Jobs once said, “You’ve got to start with customer service and work back on the technology – not the other way around”. This ‘experience first‘ approach of addressing customer needs still holds true for retailers but for customers, it has flipped to ‘Buy first & Experience later’.
Growth in e-commerce & increase in competition
With an increase in internet penetration and local campaigns like ‘Make In India’ and ‘Vocal for Local’ gathering momentum, a large number of National players are competing with Global brands on the same platform. With a world of choices at their disposal, customer loyalty is always at stake. As infinite brands chase a finite measure of customer attention, demonstrating skilled supply chain competencies is an ideal way of creating a competitive advantage. A terrific post-purchase experience is a great source of brand recall.
As e-commerce becomes part of daily life, its unsaid expectations are set in every shopper’s mind, which are; variety, trust in quality, efficient delivery, and payment security. While brands are known for their products, they are always remembered for their service. As brands take care of the on-portal experience, Increff ensures a smooth post-purchase journey.
Their leading software, Increff WMS is designed to handle flawless e-commerce order fulfillment journeys.
A recent classic example is LIBAS’s spectacular performance in Myntra EORS this year. Within 15 days of onboarding LIBAS, powered by Increff WMS, inwarded ~500 K pieces across 2 warehouses and dispatched ~170 K orders within 3 days achieving 99.9%+ SLA. It earned the esteemed fAssured quality badge from Flipkart and an Amazon Prime status for perfect delivery.
Want to experience the world’s simplest, most accurate, and the best warehouse management and fastest order management cloud-based platform, click here.
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